hijab: Hi Gabo also refers to covering, but it is usually used to refer to the headscarf of Muslim women. Hijab headscarves come in various styles and colors, which are more common all over the world. In the West, Hijab, the most commonly used by Muslim women, generally only covers the hair, ears, and neck, but the face is bare.

niqab: Nikabo is a veil, covering almost all of the face, leaving only the eyes. However, a separate blindfold can also be added. The nikab and the matching headscarf are worn at the same time, and they are often worn together with the black burqa, which is more common in North Africa and the Middle East.

burka: Buka is the most tightly wrapped burqa. It is a cover that covers the face and the body. From head to toe, there is usually only a grid-like window in the eye area. Buka is commonly found in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Al-amira: Amila is divided into two parts. The inside is a small hat that wraps the head, usually made of cotton or blended fabric, and the outside is a tubular scarf. Amila exposed her face, crossed her shoulders, and covered part of her chest. The colors and styles are relatively random, and they are mostly found in the Arabian Gulf countries.

Shayla: Shaira is a rectangular scarf that is wrapped around the head and placed around the shoulders or clipped. Shaira’s color and wear are relatively casual, and part of her hair and neck can be exposed. It is more common in overseas countries.

khimar: Himal is like a cloak, reaching up to the waist, completely covering the hair, neck, and shoulders, but the face is bare. In traditional Muslim areas, many women wear Himal.

chador: Cadore is a burqa that covers the whole body, with a bare face. Usually, a small headscarf is worn underneath. Cadore is more common in Iran.

Post time: Oct-15-2021